How I found God
It was in 1963, during my third year of university (in France), that I came to know Jesus Christ. This was the most important event of my whole life, incomparable in significance with any other experience. And I thank God that He patiently went with me until all hindrances — especially my wrong ideas, my anxieties and inner resistance - were removed.
Before God revealed Himself to me, I went through a hard time because of several urgent questions that troubled my mind. On one hand, I saw wrongdoing everywhere; on the other, I realized that the majority of mankind was suffering, tortured by diseases or hunger, war or persecution or other misery. What added to my desperation was the fact that I myself could not be the “good person” I desired to be. I said to myself: ”Life is terrible. What is the use of fighting day by day? If there is no sense in human life, I am not willing to continue this absurd journey. So, I must get to a conclusion. Is there a real meaning in our existence, yes or no? I must find out the truth.” To my thinking, the crucial question was whether or not there was a designer who created the universe. If no powerful, good, trustworthy being was behind the scenes, working to draw something good out of this universal mess, what reason did we have to play this game? I decided that, as a German, I should logically start my search with the explanations offered in the so-called Christian West (before trying far-eastern or other religions).
Up until then, I had found no convincing answer in either the Catholic or Protestant Churches. (Looking back, however, I must admit that I had neither listened carefully enough nor drawn clear and reasonable conclusions from what I had heard.) In addition to all the Christian teaching in school and in the churches, God had already given me many proofs of His existence, even of His wisdom and love – for instance through the beauty I saw in nature and through the study of biology, physics and chemistry (in this context, see Romans 1:19–21.) But I hadn’t adequately responded to all this, and doubts took over as I grew up. So I had to start my search all over again from zero as an adult.
Under that pressure, I began reading the Bible thoroughly to get an answer. At first, this book didn’t seem to give me anything of what I needed: no explanation, no response, not even a helpful hint. Finally, I cried out: ”God, if you are real, I want to know you! Then do something so I can find you!” (meaning the God of the Bible).
After just a few weeks, I realized to my surprise that my situation had completely changed. Countless small incidents in my daily life seemed to prove there was an invisible One who knew me inside out and could even read my thoughts! I kept experiencing such individual care and attention that it became more and more difficult to believe in mere coincidences. The facts seemed to tell me that a Friend tried to convince me of his existence. I felt this must be someone who saw me all the time, understood me, took me seriously, respected me and enjoyed giving me the best – in short, someone who really loved me. I had the impression that this Friend was even courting me! At the same time, the Bible came alive when I read it. Certain phrases began to deeply touch my spirit, such as Jeremiah 29,13f: ”You will seek me, and find me, when you will search for me with all your heart”. – These experiences were so impressive that at a certain point I had to conclude: This is real! Here are facts that cannot be denied. - Then I did something very new and uncharacteristic for me: I knelt down in my room and said, ”Lord, I give up my doubts.”
As soon as I addressed Him as ”Lord”, thus honestly acknowledging Him as the highest Authority, something altogether unexpected happened: I felt that someone was there in the room. Although I did not see Him, I realized with certainity He was near me. Then, a love that words cannot describe flooded me. This wonderful, holy love could only come out of a heart that was good: free of evil, free of pride, free of egoism. It seemed to me that I had known this heart from eternity. And I realized that we all belong to Him, not only I, but everyone else too. After a while, words of the Bible I had learned long ago came into my mind, supporting what in fact I had realized from the first minute: God had come to me in Jesus. I remembered phrases like: ”He came unto His own…” (John 1:11); ”He is the true God and eternal life.” (1 John 5:20); ”…you in me, and I in you…” (John 14:20). The true, living God had come to me, into His own. I had opened up to Him and thus allowed Him to enter my life. Instantly, I had the assurance that He was in me – a sweet, new reality. And I knew that He wanted to stay with me forever. Through Jesus, the Almighty and Most Holy One could be close to me. Otherwise, I would have died in His presence. Jesus is God Himself, so to speak His arm stretched out to reach mankind. Intuitively, I could grasp what it means that God is triune. (Later I read a good illustration: God the Father, the Eternal Spirit of Life and Love, is like the sun in the sky, Jesus like the sunbeams coming to the earth, and the Holy Spirit like the sensible creative power that brings forth life and transformation after the beams have reached us. Or, as it is described in Revelation 21: God is the Light, and Christ is the Lamp.) The wonderful Being I had just begun to love was the one true God. He was the Truth and Love I had been seeking, consciously or unconsciously, all of my life. He was the answer to the deepest desire of my heart.
From that day on, a very personal relationship began to develop. He has gone through thick and thin with me, speaking to me (mostly through my conscience, the Bible, other people or the circumstances), answering my questions, sharing His thoughts and feelings, giving me strength and joy, encouraging and comforting me, showing me my mistakes with much understanding, sympathy and even humor, and convincing me of wrong attitudes or habits. Only later, I began to see how terribly corrupted the human heart in fact is. This became clear to me mainly by my realization how we treat God: despising His love, ignoring His will and even Himself, only wanting to draw profit of His generosity. In my own life, I discovered all this, and also ingratitude, pride, etc. But Jesus Christ is here to save from all sin. – Due to my lack of faith, later on I sometimes refused to follow Him, although He was absolutely right in what He told me. So I experienced further days of inner emptiness and darkness. But despite my blindness, inconsistency, and unbelief, He carefully kept watch so that the relationship never totally broke. He always encouraged me to express my opinions, and His loving persistence helped me on until I could see my obstinacy and give it up. By all the experiences I went through and all the mistakes I made, God worked to transform my character. I know that without His divine life which I received when Jesus came into me, I would have no way to become the person I am meant to be, the person He designed in eternity past. And it is only His hand that can shape me, though He always needs my cooperation. Thanks to His kindness and patience, the process of transformation is going on while my trust in Him gradually increases.
In the course of the years, I also gained precious insights. One of the most important is the perception that every human being has been called into existence for just one purpose: To understand God’s offer and answer with a free decision, which leads all those who choose Jesus into a glorious, never-ending love story with Him.
Im Lauf der Jahre wurde mir die Notwendigkeit des Kreuzes überdeutlich. Wäre Jesus dort nicht für uns gestorben, dann hätte keiner von uns eine Chance, weder ich noch irgendein anderer Mensch. Meine Lebensgeschichte beweist aber, dass es für Gott keinen hoffnungslosen Fall gibt, wenn man nur aufrichtig zu ihm ist. Er kann jeden von uns durch sein Leben und die Kraft der Erlösung total neu machen. Die Geburt aus dem Geist damals, als ich Jesus aufnahm, war ein Geschenk (Joh. 3,5), und auch das Wachstum der neuen Persönlichkeit bis zur Vollendung schafft nur er, wobei er allerdings meine ständige Mitwirkung braucht.
This God to whom I belong, who died for me and has become my life, has proven to me His trustworthiness abundantly. There is no fault in Him, not one. He desires to save all of us. He loves us with a deeper love than anyone can imagine. He is at work to build up a kingdom of love with those who are willing to be transformed and yield to the truth. In this incomparable kingdom, I will be with Him forever – as a member of His Body, His Counterpart, together with all my brothers and sisters, sisters, that is, with all those who have accepted their redemption.